At the Yoga Shala, we are skilled at teaching Beginners and all of our classes will be suitable for you to participate. Modifications will be offered, and you can always pause, rest and watch! We offer a variety of
classes providing you with options to move your body, deeply relax, or both!
Our new member special of only $49+gst for the first month includes livestream AND in person classes so you can get a taste of our amazing teachers and classes. The pass starts the day of purchase.
Please sign up ONLINE for each class in advance of attending.
In 2022 all classes will be held at: the Village Lifestyle Centre 4039 Brentwood Road NW.
During COVID-19, Yoga Shala is committed to offering high quality yoga whilst following AHS guidelines.
Please arrive wearing a mask, and abide by social distancing rules.
Please read prior to registration:
1. You must register for the class in advance on MindBody Online. Space is limited.
2. Ensure your email is accurate on your MindBody account.