Dear Yogis,
We've been monitoring updates about the COVID-19 virus and the recommendations from our health minister. Our priority is ensuring that the Yoga Shala is a safe place for community to come together.
This morning I knew it was time for us to follow what so many other studios and gyms are doing, and close the doors to the Shala temporarily. I hope it will only be a few weeks, but we will wait until we’re advised it’s safe for us to be operating again. I’m comforted by the support of our amazing staff, teachers and community of students. None of us are going to let the Yoga Shala be closed for a moment more than is necessary.
We’re busy putting together some online content for you to practice with us from home! We hope to have this ready for you as soon as tomorrow! If you're not already following us on Instagram and Facebook, please do so to get the most recent updates.
Members currently enrolled in Registered classes can expect these classes to be available for them once the business reopens and we can continue to carry on with the session. All workshops will temporarily be put on hold, and if need be moved to a later date.
Keeping up with memberships is a way to support our business. If you are able to go without suspending your pass we greatly appreciate it. If you require a suspension please email me and I will happily oblige.
Yoga passes and memberships are still available online if you feel like doing some online shopping for when we're up and running again!
If you cannot afford yoga, please contact me. I want to ensure you can access classes. If we work as a community and support one another, we will be able to navigate these times with grace.
Please be well, keep practicing, and stay in touch.
Wishing you health and peace,
Om Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu

(Om. May all beings everywhere be peaceful and happy)